

An architecture for modular distributed simulation with agent-based models

14 years 2 months ago
An architecture for modular distributed simulation with agent-based models
Agent-based simulations are an increasingly popular means of exploring and understanding complex social systems. In order to be useful, these simulations must capture a range of aspects of the modeled situation, each possibly requiring distinct expertise. Moreover, different paradigms may be useful in modelling, ranging from those that use many lightweight reactive agents, to those that use cognitive agents, to those that focus on agent teams and organisational structures. There is need for an architecture which supports the development of a large simulation, through the integration of separately developed modules. This paper describes a framework and architecture which facilitates the integration of multiple agent-based simulations into a single global simulation. This architecture naturally supports distributed simulation and incremental development, which are ways of addressing the computational and conceptual complexity of such systems. In this paper we focus particularly on how t...
David Scerri, Alexis Drogoul, Sarah L. Hickmott, L
Added 08 Nov 2010
Updated 08 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where ATAL
Authors David Scerri, Alexis Drogoul, Sarah L. Hickmott, Lin Padgham
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