

Architectures and patterns for developing high performance real-time ORB endsystems

14 years 3 days ago
Architectures and patterns for developing high performance real-time ORB endsystems
Many types of applications can benefit from flexible and open middleware. CORBA is an emerging middleware standard for Object Request Brokers (ORBs) that simplifies the development of distributed applications and services. Experience with CORBA demonstrates that it is suitable for traditional RPC-style applications. However, the lack of performance optimizations and quality of service (QoS) features in conventional CORBA implementations make them unsuited for highperformance and real-time applications. This paper makes four contributions to the design of CORBA ORBs for applications with high-performance and real-time requirements. First, it describes the design of TAO, which is our high-performance, real-time CORBA-compliant ORB. Second, it presents TAO's Real-time Scheduling Service, which provides QoS guarantees for deterministic realtime CORBA applications. Third, empirically evaluates the effects of priority inversion and non-determinism in conventional ORBs and shows how the...
Douglas C. Schmidt, David L. Levine, Chris Clevela
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1999
Where AC
Authors Douglas C. Schmidt, David L. Levine, Chris Cleveland
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