

Architectures for Widget-Level Plasticity

14 years 5 months ago
Architectures for Widget-Level Plasticity
rs to become familiar with abstract modeling concepts or difficult language syntax. This is a departure from traditional visual interface development tools, in which developers select the widgets that will appear in the application and write the code that defines the widgets’ functionality. We present WAHID, a widget-level approach to plasticity in both new and legacy applications that conforms to traditional interface development techniques. WAHID provides internal and external architectures for integrating plastic widgets in an application. The internal architecture provides plasticity in new applications and requires that the application code be available for the architecture to be deployed. The external approach uses gesture handling for widget activation in legacy applications. We demonstrate the viability of these architectures through example scroll bar and menu widgets.
Baha Jabarin, T. C. Nicholas Graham
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Baha Jabarin, T. C. Nicholas Graham
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