

Are E-Commerce Users Defenceless?

14 years 7 months ago
Are E-Commerce Users Defenceless?
We are interested in new ways of threats and attack on the e-commerce. The server side of e-commerce platform is usually very well protected and secured. Unfortunately, this is not true for the client side. End users are usually undereducated in the field of computer security. They use internet clients such as web browsers and e-mail programs to do their e-commerce business. Their platform that is used to run these programs can hardly be trusted. This paper focuses on the attacks on system and application infrastructure. Main idea of our approach is to take advantage of existing applications and attack them while they are executing. We analyze the steps that need to be taken in such attacks and point out the properties of the applications and execution environments that can be exploited. To demonstrate the findings, we present two case studies of such attacks. The first exploits a web browser which uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and the second an email client which uses digital signa...
Matej Trampus, Mojca Ciglaric, Matjaz Pancur, Tone
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where IPPS
Authors Matej Trampus, Mojca Ciglaric, Matjaz Pancur, Tone Vidmar
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