Mining frequent patterns such as frequent itemsets is a core operation in many important data mining tasks, such as in association rule mining. Mining frequent itemsets in high-dimensional datasets is challenging, since the search space is exponential in the number of dimensions and the volume of patterns can be huge. Many of the state-of-the-art techniques rely upon the use of prefix trees (e.g. FPtrees) which allow nodes to be shared among common prefix paths. However, the scalability of such techniques may be limited when handling high dimensional datasets. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the behaviour of mining frequent itemsets when instead of a tree data structure, a canonical directed acyclic graph namely Zero Suppressed Binary Decision Diagram (ZBDD) is used. Due to its compactness and ability to promote node reuse, ZBDD has proven very effective in other areas of computer science, such as boolean SAT solvers. In this paper, we show how ZBDDs can be used to mine fre...