

Arithmetical Measure

14 years 1 months ago
Arithmetical Measure
We develop arithmetical measure theory along the lines of Lutz [10]. This yields the same notion of “measure 0 set” as considered before by Martin-L¨of, Schnorr, and others. We prove that the class of sets constructible by r.e.-constructors, a direct analogue of the classes Lutz devised his resource bounded measures for in [10], is not equal to RE, the class of r.e. sets, and we locate this class exactly in terms of the common recursion-theoretic reducibilities below K. We note that the class of sets that bounded truth-table reduce to K has r.e.-measure 0, and show that this cannot be improved to “truth-table.” For ∆2-measure the borderline between measure zero and measure nonzero lies between weak truth-table reducibility and Turing reducibility to K. It follows that there exists a Martin-L¨of random set that is tt-reducible to K, and that no such set is btt-reducible to K. In fact, by a result of Kautz, a much more general result holds. Mathematical Subject Classificatio...
Sebastiaan Terwijn, Leen Torenvliet
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1998
Where MLQ
Authors Sebastiaan Terwijn, Leen Torenvliet
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