

Artificial Evolution for 3D PET Reconstruction

14 years 3 months ago
Artificial Evolution for 3D PET Reconstruction
This paper presents a method to take advantage of artificial evolution in positron emission tomography reconstruction. This imaging technique produces datasets that correspond to the concentration of positron emitters through the patient. Fully 3D tomographic reconstruction requires high computing power and leads to many challenges. Our aim is to reduce the computing cost and produce datasets while retaining the required quality. Our method is based on a coevolution strategy (also called Parisian evolution) named "fly algorithm". Each fly represents a point of the space and acts as a positron emitter. The final population of flies corresponds to the reconstructed data. Using "marginal evaluation", the fly's fitness is the positive or negative contribution of this fly to the performance of the population. This is also used to skip the relatively costly step of selection and simplify the evolutionary algorithm.
Franck Patrick Vidal, Delphine Lazaro-Ponthus, Sam
Added 08 Nov 2010
Updated 08 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where AE
Authors Franck Patrick Vidal, Delphine Lazaro-Ponthus, Samuel Legoupil, Jean Louchet, Evelyne Lutton, Jean-Marie Rocchisani
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