

Artificial Life and the Chinese Room Argument

14 years 3 months ago
Artificial Life and the Chinese Room Argument
: We use the term 'Strong Artificial Life' to refer to the thesis that a sufficiently sophisticated computer simulation of a life-form is a life-form in its own right. Can John Searle's Chinese Room Argument (Searle 1980)--originally intended by Searle to show that the thesis he dubs 'Strong AI' is false--be deployed against Strong A-Life? We have often encountered the suggestion that it can be (even in print; see Harnad 1993). However, so far as we know, there has been no detailed effort to state and assess a form of the argument which deals specifically with A-Life. We do our best to transfer the argument from the domain of AI to that of A-Life. We do so in order to show once and for all that the Chinese room argument proves nothing about A-Life. There may indeed be powerful philosophical objections to the thesis of Strong A-Life, but the Chinese room argument is not among them.
David Anderson, B. Jack Copeland
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Authors David Anderson, B. Jack Copeland
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