

An Artificial Maieutic Approach for Eliciting Experts' Knowledge in Multi-agent Simulations

14 years 6 months ago
An Artificial Maieutic Approach for Eliciting Experts' Knowledge in Multi-agent Simulations
Models of human behaviours used in multi-agent simulations are limited by the ability of introspection of the social actors: some of their knowledge (reflexes, habits, non-formalized expertise) cannot be extracted through interviews. In this paper, we propose an artificial maieutic approach to extract such pieces of knowledge, by helping the actors to better understand, and sometimes formulate, their own behaviours. We present here the first results using two complementary works in social simulations, one in the domain of air traffic control and one in the domain of common-pool resources sharing.
François Sempé, Minh Nguyen-Duc, Sta
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where MABS
Authors François Sempé, Minh Nguyen-Duc, Stanislas Boissau, Alain Boucher, Alexis Drogoul
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