

ASDB: database of alternatively spliced genes

14 years 2 months ago
ASDB: database of alternatively spliced genes
Version 2.1 of ASDB (Alternative Splicing Data Base) contains 1922 protein and 2486 DNA sequences. The protein entries from SWISS-PROT are joined into clusters corresponding to alternatively spliced variants of one gene. The DNA division consists of complete genes with alternative splicing mentioned or annotated in GenBank. The search engine allows one to search over SWISS-PROT and GenBank fields and then follow the links to all variants. The database can be assessed at the URL DATABASE DESCRIPTION Version 2.1 of ASDB consists of two divisions, ASDB(proteins), which contains amino acid sequences, and ASDB(nucleotides) with genomic sequences. ASDB(nucleotides) was developed in 1999, while ASDB(proteins) was updated with the latest data from SWISS-PROT and improved clustering procedures described below. SWISS-PROT uses two formats for description of alternative splicing. Thus the protein sequences were selected from SWISS-PROT (1) using full text search for th...
I. Dralyuk, Michael Brudno, Mikhail S. Gelfand, Ma
Added 19 Dec 2010
Updated 19 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2000
Where NAR
Authors I. Dralyuk, Michael Brudno, Mikhail S. Gelfand, Manfred Zorn, Inna Dubchak
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