

Aspects of Integrating User Centered Design into Software Engineering Processes

14 years 5 months ago
Aspects of Integrating User Centered Design into Software Engineering Processes
Software Engineering (SE) and Usability Engineering (UE) both provide a wide range of elaborated process models to create software solutions. Today, many companies have realized the need for usable products and understood that a systematic and structured approach to usability is as important as the process of software development itself. However, theory and practice still have problems to efficiently and smoothly incorporate UE methods into established development processes. One challenge is to identify integration points between the two disciplines SE and UE that allow a close collaboration, with acceptable additional organizational and operational effort. The approach presented in this paper identifies integration points between software engineering and usability engineering on the level of process models. The authors analyzed four different software engineering process models to determine their ability to create usable products. Therefore, the authors synthesized demands of usabilit...
Karsten Nebe, Dirk Zimmermann
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where HCI
Authors Karsten Nebe, Dirk Zimmermann
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