

Assessing the Effectiveness of LSI in Approaching the Intention of a User's Query

14 years 1 months ago
Assessing the Effectiveness of LSI in Approaching the Intention of a User's Query
Documentsretrieved in responseto a user's query shouldreflect the intention of the user. Keyword searchesare not sufficient to accomplishthis task. This paper considersLatent SemanticIndexing(LSI) as possiblesolution. LSIis consideredin the contextof a large set of WorldBankdocuments.LSIis shownto be usefulin this regard, but not a completesolution. Additional, domainspecific, informationwouldbe neededas well.
Massoud Moussavi, Robert Najlis
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Massoud Moussavi, Robert Najlis
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