

Assessment of ARMAX Structure as a Global Model for Self-Refilling Steam Distillation Essential Oil Extraction System

14 years 3 months ago
Assessment of ARMAX Structure as a Global Model for Self-Refilling Steam Distillation Essential Oil Extraction System
Abstract - In this paper, an essential oil extraction system with self-refilling system is modeled based on inputoutput data collected from a dedicated acquisition system. The ARMAX model structure is assumed and PRBS signal was used to perturb the process in open-loop manner. Two PRBS signals with different probability band were tested at different operating points. A total of three data sets will be used to evaluate the ARMAX performance as the global model. Since the system is expected to behave in highly-nonlinear manner, it is an interesting experiment to observe the performance of ARMAX which is the linear black box modeling approach in estimating the system dynamic. ARMAX model was estimated by means of prediction error method with Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. The iteration is fixed to 200 epochs. It is expected that the training data that covers the full operating condition will be the optimum training data. These data are separated into training and testing data by interlaci...
Mohd Hezri Fazalul Rahiman, Mohd Nasir Taib, Yusof
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where MSV
Authors Mohd Hezri Fazalul Rahiman, Mohd Nasir Taib, Yusof Md Salleh
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