

An Assessment of Design Patterns' Influence on a Java-based E-Commerce Application

14 years 1 months ago
An Assessment of Design Patterns' Influence on a Java-based E-Commerce Application
Design patterns, acting as recurring solutions to common problems, offer significant benefits such as avoiding unnecessary complexity, and promoting code reuse, maintainability and extensibility. This paper describes how four not technology-specific or language-specific design patterns (Front Controller, Model View Controller, Transfer Object and Service to Worker) can be applied to one typical e-commerce application developed using Java EE platform. The first goal is to evaluate the improvement of design properties after the implementation of each design pattern using software metrics. Another goal is to assess the influence of design patterns on the maintainability of the e-commerce application under study by examining the evolution of software metrics when performing certain extensions. The results indicate that the application of patterns positively influences design properties such as coupling, complexity and messaging implying a possible improvement in high-level quality attribu...
Maria Mouratidou, Vassilios Lourdas, Alexander Cha
Added 29 Jan 2011
Updated 29 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Maria Mouratidou, Vassilios Lourdas, Alexander Chatzigeorgiou, Christos K. Georgiadis
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