

Association Analysis with One Scan of Databases

14 years 5 months ago
Association Analysis with One Scan of Databases
Mining frequent patterns with an FP-tree avoids costly candidate generation and repeatedly occurrence frequency checking against the support threshold. It therefore achieves better performance and efficiency than Apriorilike algorithms. However, the database still needs to be scanned twice to get the FP-tree. This can be very time-consuming when new data are added to an existing database because two scans may be needed for not only the new data but also the existing data. This paper presents a new data structure P-tree, Pattern Tree, and a new technique, which can get the P-tree through only one scan of the database and can obtain the corresponding FP-tree with a specified support threshold. Updating a P-tree with new data needs one scan of the new data only, and the existing data do not need to be re-scanned.
Hao Huang, Xindong Wu, Richard Relue
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ICDM
Authors Hao Huang, Xindong Wu, Richard Relue
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