

Association Rules in the Relational Calculus

14 years 1 months ago
Association Rules in the Relational Calculus
One of the most utilized data mining tasks is the search for association rules. Association rules represent significant relationships between items in transactions. We extend the concept of association rule to represent a much broader class of associations, which we refer to as entity-relationship rules. Semantically, entity-relationship rules express associations between properties of related objects. Syntactically, these rules are based on a broad subclass of safe domain relational calculus queries. We propose a new definition of support and confidence for entity-relationship rules and for the frequency of entity-relationship queries. We prove that the definition of frequency satisfies standard probability axioms and the Apriori property.
Oliver Schulte, Flavia Moser, Martin Ester, Zhiyon
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where CORR
Authors Oliver Schulte, Flavia Moser, Martin Ester, Zhiyong Lu
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