

An Assumption-Based Framework for Non-Monotonic Reasoning

14 years 6 months ago
An Assumption-Based Framework for Non-Monotonic Reasoning
The notion of assumption-based framework generalises and re nes the use of abduction to give a formalisation of non-monotonic reasoning. In this framework, a sentence is a non-monotonic consequence of a theory if it can be derived monotonically from a theory extended by means of acceptable assumptions. The notion of acceptability for such assumptions is formulated in terms of their ability successfully to \counterattack" any \attacking" set of assumptions. One set of assumptions is said to \attack" another if the rst set monotonically implies a consequence which is inconsistent with an assumption in the second set. This argumentation-theoretic criterion of acceptability is based on notions rst introduced for logic programming and used to give a uni ed account of such diverse semantics for logic programming as stable models, partial stable models, preferred extensions, stable theories, well-founded semantics, and stationary semantics. The new framework makes it possible ...
Andrei Bondarenko, Francesca Toni, Robert A. Kowal
Added 10 Aug 2010
Updated 10 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1993
Authors Andrei Bondarenko, Francesca Toni, Robert A. Kowalski
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