

Asymmetric Scheduling and Load Balancing for Real-Time on Linux SMP

14 years 8 months ago
Asymmetric Scheduling and Load Balancing for Real-Time on Linux SMP
The ARTiS system, a real-time extension of the GNU/Linux scheduler dedicated to SMP (Symmetric Multi-Processors) systems is proposed. ARTiS exploits the SMP architecture to guarantee the preemption of a processor when the system has to schedule a real-time task. The basic idea of ARTiS is to assign a selected set of processors to realtime operations. A migration mechanism of non-preemptible tasks insures a latency level on these real-time processors. Furthermore, specific load-balancing strategies allows ARTiS to benefit from the full power of the SMP systems: the real-time reservation, while guaranteed, is not exclusive and does not imply a waste of resources. ARTiS have been implemented as a modification of the Linux scheduler. This paper details the evaluation of the performance we conduct on this implementation. The level of observed latency shows significant improvements when compared to the standard Linux scheduler. 1 Real-Time Scheduling on Linux SMP Nowadays, several applic...
Éric Piel, Philippe Marquet, Julien Soula,
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where PPAM
Authors Éric Piel, Philippe Marquet, Julien Soula, Jean-Luc Dekeyser
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