

Asymptotic enumeration of 2-covers and line graphs

14 years 3 months ago
Asymptotic enumeration of 2-covers and line graphs
A 2-cover is a multiset of subsets of [n] := {1, 2, . . . , n} such that each element of [n] lies in exactly two of the subsets. A 2-cover is called proper if all of the subsets of distinct, and is called restricted if any two of them intersect in at most one element. In this paper we find asymptotic enumerations for the number of line graphs on n-labelled vertices and for 2-covers. We find that the number sn of 2-covers and the number tn of proper 2-covers both have asymptotic growth sn tn B2n2-n exp 1 2 log(2n/ log n) , where B2n is the 2nth Bell number. Moreover, the numbers un of restricted 2-covers on [n] and vn of restricted, proper 2-covers on [n] and ln of line graphs all have growth un vn ln B2n2-n n-1/2 exp 1 2 log(2n/ log n) 2 .
Peter J. Cameron, Thomas Prellberg, Dudley Stark
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where DM
Authors Peter J. Cameron, Thomas Prellberg, Dudley Stark
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