

Attribute Interactions in Medical Data Analysis

14 years 5 months ago
Attribute Interactions in Medical Data Analysis
There is much empirical evidence about the success of naive Bayesian classification (NBC) in medical applications of attribute-based machine learning. NBC assumes conditional independence between attributes. In classification, such classifiers sum up the pieces of classrelated evidence from individual attributes, independently of other attributes. The performance, however, deteriorates significantly when the “interactions” between attributes become critical. We propose an approach to handling attribute interactions within the framework of “voting” classifiers, such as NBC. We propose an operational test for detecting interactions in learning data, and a procedure that takes into account the detected interactions in learning. This approach induces a structuring of the domain of attributes, may lead to improved classifier’s performance and may provide useful novel information for the domain expert when interpreting the results of learning. We report on its application in ...
Aleks Jakulin, Ivan Bratko, Dragica Smrke, Janez D
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where AIME
Authors Aleks Jakulin, Ivan Bratko, Dragica Smrke, Janez Demsar, Blaz Zupan
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