

An Authorization Service for Collaborative Situation Awareness

8 years 8 months ago
An Authorization Service for Collaborative Situation Awareness
In international military coalitions, situation awareness is achieved by gathering critical intel from different authorities. Authorities want to retain control over their data, as they are sensitive by nature, and, thus, usually employ their own authorization solutions to regulate access to them. In this paper, we highlight that harmonizing authorization solutions at the coalition level raises many challenges. We demonstrate how we address authorization challenges in the context of a scenario defined by military experts using a prototype implementation of SAFAX, an XACML-based architectural framework tailored to the development of authorization services for distributed systems. CCS Concepts •Security and privacy → Access control; Authorization; Keywords Access control; XACML; Security-as-a-Service
Alexandru Ionut Egner, Duc Luu, Jerry den Hartog,
Added 31 Mar 2016
Updated 31 Mar 2016
Type Journal
Year 2016
Authors Alexandru Ionut Egner, Duc Luu, Jerry den Hartog, Nicola Zannone
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