

AutoFOCUS 3: Tooling Concepts for Seamless, Model-based Development of Embedded Systems

8 years 8 months ago
AutoFOCUS 3: Tooling Concepts for Seamless, Model-based Development of Embedded Systems
Abstract—This paper presents tooling concepts in AUTOFOCUS 3 supporting the development of software-intensive embedded system design. AUTOFOCUS 3 is a highly integrated model-based tool covering the complete development process from requirements elicitation, deployment, the modelling of the hardware platform to code generation. This is achieved thanks to precise static and dynamic semantics based on the FOCUS theory [1]. Models are used for requirements, for the software architecture (SA), for the hardware platform and for relations between those different viewpoints: traces from requirements to the SA, refinements between SAs, and deployments of the SA to the platform. This holistic usage of models allows the provision of a wide range of analysis and synthesis techniques such as testing, model checking and deployment and scheduling generation. In this paper, we demonstrate how tooling concepts on different steps in the development process look like, based on these integrated models...
Vincent Aravantinos, Sebastian Voss, Sabine Teufl,
Added 15 Apr 2016
Updated 15 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Authors Vincent Aravantinos, Sebastian Voss, Sabine Teufl, Florian Hölzl, Bernhard Schätz
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