

Automata and Logics for Unranked and Unordered Trees

14 years 7 months ago
Automata and Logics for Unranked and Unordered Trees
In this paper, we consider the monadic second order logic (MSO) and two of its extensions, namely Counting MSO (CMSO) and Presburger MSO (PMSO), interpreted over unranked and unordered trees. We survey classes of tree automata introduced for the logics PMSO and CMSO as well as other related formalisms; we gather results from the literature and sometimes clarify or fill the remaining gaps between those various formalisms. Finally, we complete our study by adapting these classes of automata for capturing precisely the expressiveness of the logic MSO.
Iovka Boneva, Jean-Marc Talbot
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where RTA
Authors Iovka Boneva, Jean-Marc Talbot
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