

Automated ECG profiling and beat classification

14 years 3 months ago
Automated ECG profiling and beat classification
ive CLP® ABSTRACT Ali A. Milani Broadband speech enhancement and active noise control nvironment ABSTRACT Vanishree Gopalakrishna Real-Time Implementation of Signal Processing Strategies latform for Cochlear Implant Studies ABSTRACT Chengyi Gao SRLG-Aware Topology Aggregation for Survivable Multiptical Networks ABSTRACT Yanyan Zeng Efficient Neighbor Discovery and Scheduling in Cognitive tworks ABSTRACT Ankitkumar Patel Traffic Grooming and Regenerator Placement in nt-Aware Optical WDM Networks ABSTRACT Steven Foland More Accurate, Affordable Biosensing Using Optical ion Gratings ABSTRACT Kyung-Hak Choi Massive replication of nanophotonic crystals using nanoimprint-and-photolithography ABSTRACT J. Steven Kirtzic Applying Parallel Design Techniques to Template Matching s ABSTRACT Jennifer J.D. Fitzgerald Matrix Enhanced Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ME ing Ionic Liquid Matrices ABSTRACT zipour Automated ECG Profiling and Beat Classification ABSTRACT Anish V Abraham Quantitative Stud...
Miad Faezipour, Adnan Saeed, Mehrdad Nourani
Added 06 Dec 2010
Updated 06 Dec 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Miad Faezipour, Adnan Saeed, Mehrdad Nourani
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