

Automated Error Correction of Business Process Models

13 years 2 months ago
Automated Error Correction of Business Process Models
As order dependencies between process tasks can get complex, it is easy to make mistakes in process model design, especially behavioral ones such as deadlocks. Notions such as soundness formalize behavioral errors and tools exist that can identify such errors. However these tools do not provide assistance with the correction of the process models. Error correction can be very challenging as the intentions of the process modeler are not known and there may be many ways in which an error can be corrected. We present a novel technique for automatic error correction in process models based on simulated annealing. Via this technique a number of process model alternatives are identified that resolve one or more errors in the original model. The technique is implemented and validated on a sample of industrial process models. The tests show that at least one sound solution can be found for each input model and that the response times are short.
Mauro Gambini, Marcello La Rosa, Sara Migliorini,
Added 13 Dec 2011
Updated 13 Dec 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where BPM
Authors Mauro Gambini, Marcello La Rosa, Sara Migliorini, Arthur H. M. ter Hofstede
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