

Automated Generation of Context-Aware Tests

15 years 16 days ago
Automated Generation of Context-Aware Tests
The incorporation of context-awareness capabilities into pervasive applications allows them to leverage contextual information to provide additional services while maintaining an acceptable quality of service. These added capabilities, however, introduce a distinct input space that can affect the behavior of these applications at any point during their execution, making their validation quite challenging. In this paper, we introduce an approach to improve the test suite of a context-aware application by identifying contextaware program points where context changes may affect the application's behavior, and by systematically manipulating the context data fed into the application to increase its exposure to potentially valuable context variations. Preliminary results indicate that the approach is more powerful than existing testing approaches used on this type of application.
Zhimin Wang, Sebastian G. Elbaum, David S. Rosenbl
Added 09 Dec 2009
Updated 09 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICSE
Authors Zhimin Wang, Sebastian G. Elbaum, David S. Rosenblum
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