

Automated Result Verification with AWK

14 years 4 months ago
Automated Result Verification with AWK
The goal of result-verificationis toprove that one execution run of a program satisjes its speciJcation. Compared with iniplenzentation-verification,result-verification has a larger scopefor applications inpractice, gives more opportunitiesfor automation and, based on the execution record not the implementation, isparticularly suitablefor complex systems. This paper proposes a technicalframework to apply this technique in practice. Weshow how to writeformal result-based specifications, how to generate LI verifier program to check a given speciJcation and to carry out resultverification according to the generated program. The execution result is written as a text jle, the verifier is written in AWK (special-purpose languagefor text processing) and verijcation is done automatically by the AWK interpreter; given the verifier and the execution result as inputs.
Balkhis Abu Bakar, Tomasz Janowski
Added 31 Jul 2010
Updated 31 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Balkhis Abu Bakar, Tomasz Janowski
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