

Automated review of natural language requirements documents: generating useful warnings with user-extensible glossaries driving

14 years 7 months ago
Automated review of natural language requirements documents: generating useful warnings with user-extensible glossaries driving
We present an approach to automating some of the quality assurance review of software requirements documents, and promoting best practices for requirements documentation. The system we describe – the Requirements Analysis Tool (RAT) has been deployed and is currently being used in pilot projects with large and complex requirements documents. Preliminary results indicate a reduction in time needed to review documents and reduction in requirements defects as well as a change in the way users think about writing requirements. Our approach allows users to write requirements in natural language instead of an artificial formalism. RAT enforces requirements documentation best practices such as using standardized syntaxes and internallyconsistent use of terminology. It supports the use of userextensible glossaries to define terms. The formalism driving RAT is a state-machine, which is used to classify requirements into types based on keywords and then verify that the requirements follow one...
Prateek Jain, Kunal Verma, Alex Kass, Reymonrod G.
Added 23 Jul 2010
Updated 23 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Prateek Jain, Kunal Verma, Alex Kass, Reymonrod G. Vasquez
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