

Automatic Accurate Time-Bound Analysis for High-Level Languages

14 years 4 months ago
Automatic Accurate Time-Bound Analysis for High-Level Languages
This paper describes a general approach for automatic and accurate time-bound analysis. The approach consists of transformations for building time-bound functions in the presence of partially known input structures, symbolic evaluation of the time-bound function based on input parameters, optimizations to make the overall analysis e cient as well as accurate, and measurements of primitive parameters, all at the source-language level. We have implemented this approach and performed a number of experiments for analyzing Scheme programs. The measured worst-case times are closely bounded by the calculated bounds.
Yanhong A. Liu, Gustavo Gomez
Added 06 Aug 2010
Updated 06 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Authors Yanhong A. Liu, Gustavo Gomez
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