

Automatic extraction of clickable structured web contents for name entity queries

14 years 8 months ago
Automatic extraction of clickable structured web contents for name entity queries
Today the major web search engines answer queries by showing ten result snippets, which need to be inspected by users for identifying relevant results. In this paper we investigate how to extract structured information from the web, in order to directly answer queries by showing the contents being searched for. We treat users’ search trails (i.e., post-search browsing behaviors) as implicit labels on the relevance between web contents and user queries. Based on such labels we use information extraction approach to build wrappers and extract structured information. An important observation is that many web sites contain pages for name entities of certain categories (e.g., AOL Music contains a page for each musician), and these pages have the same format. This makes it possible to build wrappers from a small amount of implicit labels, and use them to extract structured information from many web pages for different name entities. We propose STRUCLICK, a fully automated system for extra...
Xiaoxin Yin, Wenzhao Tan, Xiao Li, Yi-Chin Tu
Added 13 May 2010
Updated 13 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where WWW
Authors Xiaoxin Yin, Wenzhao Tan, Xiao Li, Yi-Chin Tu
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