

Automatic Generation of Editors for Higher-Order Data Structures

14 years 8 months ago
Automatic Generation of Editors for Higher-Order Data Structures
With generic functional programming techniques, we have eased GUI programming by constructing a programming toolkit with which one can create GUIs in an abstract and compositional way, using type-directed Graphical Editor Components (GECs). In this toolkit, the programmer specifies a GUI by means of a data model instead of low-level GUI programming. In earlier versions of this toolkit, the data model must have a first-order type. In this paper we show that the programming toolkit can be extended in two ways, such that the data model can contain higher-order data structures. We added support for dynamic polymorphic higher-order editors using the functional shell Esther. By combining the earlier developed techniques of generic GECs, abstract editors, we also added statically typed higher-order editors. In principle this solution extends our GUI programming toolkit with the full expressive power of functional programming languages.
Peter Achten, Marko C. J. D. van Eekelen, Rinus Pl
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Peter Achten, Marko C. J. D. van Eekelen, Rinus Plasmeijer, Arjen van Weelden
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