

Automatic generation of FPGA routing architectures from high-level descriptions

14 years 6 months ago
Automatic generation of FPGA routing architectures from high-level descriptions
In this paper we present a "high-level" FPGA architecture description language which lets FPGA architects succinctly and quickly describe an FPGA routing architecture. We then present an "architecture generator" built into the VPR CAD tool [1, 2] that converts this high-level architecture description into a detailed and completely specified flat FPGA architecture. This flat architecture is the representation with which CAD optimization and visualization modules typically work. By allowing FPGA researchers to specify an architecture at a high-level, an architecture generator enables quick and easy "what-if" experimentation with a wide range of FPGA architectures. The net effect is a more fully optimized final FPGA architecture. In contrast, when FPGA architects are forced to use more traditional methods of describing an FPGA (such as the manual specification of every switch in the basic tile of the FPGA), far less experimentation can be performed in the sa...
Vaughn Betz, Jonathan Rose
Added 24 Aug 2010
Updated 24 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where FPGA
Authors Vaughn Betz, Jonathan Rose
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