

Automatic Golf Ball Trajectory Reconstruction and Visualization

14 years 8 months ago
Automatic Golf Ball Trajectory Reconstruction and Visualization
The article presents the steps required to reconstruct a 3D trajectory of a golf ball flight, bounces and roll in short game. Two video cameras were used to capture the last parts of the trajectories including the bounces and roll. Each video sequence is processed and the ball is detected and tracked until is stops. Detected positions from both video sequences are then matched and 3D trajectory is obtained and presented as an X3D model. Key words: tracking, golf, stereo, trajectory, 3D, video
Tadej Zupancic, Ales Jaklic
Added 27 May 2010
Updated 27 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Tadej Zupancic, Ales Jaklic
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