

Automatic MRI brain tissue segmentation using a hybrid statistical and geometric model

15 years 3 months ago
Automatic MRI brain tissue segmentation using a hybrid statistical and geometric model
This paper presents a novel hybrid segmentation technique incorporating a statistical as well as a geometric model in a unified segmentation scheme for brain tissue segmentation of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. We combine both voxel probability and image gradient and curvature information for segmenting gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) tissues. Both qualitative and quantitative results on synthetic and real brain MRI scans indicate superior and consistent performance when compared with standard techniques such as SPM and FAST.
Albert Huang, Rafeef Abugharbieh, Roger Tam, Antho
Added 20 Nov 2009
Updated 20 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ISBI
Authors Albert Huang, Rafeef Abugharbieh, Roger Tam, Anthony Traboulsee
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