
Tsinghua U.

Automatic nonblocking communication for partitioned global address space programs

14 years 8 months ago
Automatic nonblocking communication for partitioned global address space programs
Overlapping communication with computation is an important optimization on current cluster architectures; its importance is likely to increase as the doubling of processing power far outpaces any improvements in communication latency. PGAS languages offer unique opportunities for communication overlap, because their one-sided communication model enables low overhead data transfer. Recent results have shown the value of hiding latency by manually applying language-level nonblocking data transfer routines, but this process can be both tedious and error-prone. In this paper, we present a runtime framework that automatically schedules the data transfers to achieve overlap. The optimization framework is entirely transparent to the user, and aggressively reorders and aggregates both remote puts and gets. We preserve correctness via runtime conflict checks and temporary buffers, using several techniques to lower the overhead. Experimental results on application benchmarks suggest that our...
Wei-Yu Chen, Dan Bonachea, Costin Iancu, Katherine
Added 08 Jun 2010
Updated 08 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICS
Authors Wei-Yu Chen, Dan Bonachea, Costin Iancu, Katherine A. Yelick
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