

Automatic prediction of perceptual quality of multimedia signals - a survey

13 years 9 months ago
Automatic prediction of perceptual quality of multimedia signals - a survey
We survey recent developments in multimedia signal quality assessment, including image, audio, video, and combined signals. Such an overview is timely given the recent explosion in all-digital sensory entertainment and communication devices pervading the consumer space. Owing to the sensory nature of these signals, perceptual models lie at the heart of multimedia signal quality assessment algorithms. We survey these models and recent competitive algorithms and discuss comparison studies that others have conducted. In this context we also describe existing signal quality assessment databases. We envision that the reader will gain a firmer understanding of the broad topic of multimedia quality assessment, of the various subdisciplines corresponding to different signal types, how these signals types co-relate in producing an overall user experience, and what directions of research remain to be pursued. Keywords Survey · Quality assessment · Video quality · Image quality · Structural S...
Kalpana Seshadrinathan, Alan Conrad Bovik
Added 14 May 2011
Updated 14 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where MTA
Authors Kalpana Seshadrinathan, Alan Conrad Bovik
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