

An Automatic Scoring System For Advanced Placement Biology Essays

14 years 1 months ago
An Automatic Scoring System For Advanced Placement Biology Essays
This paper describes a prceXype for automatically scoring College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Biology essays.I. The scoring technique used in this study was based on a previous method used to score sentence-length responses (Burstein, et al, 1996). One hundred training essays were used to build an example-based lexicon and concept granunars. The prototype accesses information from the lexicon and concept grammars to score essays by assigning a classification of Excellent or Poor based on the number of points assigned during scoring. Final computer-based essay scores are based on the system's recognition of conceptual information in the essays. Conceptual analysis in essays is essential to provide a classification based on the essay content. In addition, computergenerated information about essay content can be used to produce diagnostic feedback. The set of essays used in this study had been scored by human raters. The results reported in the paper show 94% agreement on exact or...
Jill Burstein, Susanne Wolff, Chi Lu, Randy M. Kap
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where ANLP
Authors Jill Burstein, Susanne Wolff, Chi Lu, Randy M. Kaplan
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