

Automatic Segmentation of Jaw Tissues in CT Using Active Appearance Models and Semi-automatic Landmarking

15 years 23 days ago
Automatic Segmentation of Jaw Tissues in CT Using Active Appearance Models and Semi-automatic Landmarking
Preoperative planning systems are commonly used for oral implant surgery. One of the objectives is to determine if the quantity and quality of bone is sufficient to sustain an implant while avoiding critical anatomic structures. We aim to automate the segmentation of jaw tissues on CT images: cortical bone, trabecular core and especially the mandibular canal containing the dental nerve. This nerve must be avoided during implant surgery to prevent lip numbness. Previous work in this field used thresholds or filters and needed manual initialization. An automated system based on the use of Active Appearance Models (AAMs) is proposed. Our contribution is a completely automated segmentation of tissues and a semi-automatic landmarking process necessary to create the AAM model. The AAM is trained using 215 images and tested with a leave-4-out scheme. Results obtained show an initialization
José Antonio Gil, Mariano Alcañiz Ra
Added 14 Nov 2009
Updated 14 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors José Antonio Gil, Mariano Alcañiz Raya, Raphaël Pichery, Sylvia Rueda
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