

From Automatic Structures to Borel Structures

14 years 10 months ago
From Automatic Structures to Borel Structures
We study the classes of B¨uchi and Rabin automatic structures. For B¨uchi (Rabin) automatic structures their domains consist of infinite strings (trees), and the basic relations, including the equality relation, and graphs of operations are recognized by B¨uchi (Rabin) automata. A B¨uchi (Rabin) automatic structure is injective if different infinite strings (trees) represent different elements of the structure. The first part of the paper is devoted to understanding the automatatheoretic content of the well-known L¨owenheim-Skolem theorem in model theory. We provide automata-theoretic versions of L¨owenheim-Skolem theorem for Rabin and B¨uchi automatic structures. In the second part, we address the following two well-known open problems in the theory of automatic structures: Does every B¨uchi automatic structure have an injective B¨uchi presentation? Does every Rabin automatic structure have an injective Rabin presentation? We provide examples of B¨uchi structures without...
Greg Hjorth, Bakhadyr Khoussainov, Antonio Montalb
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where LICS
Authors Greg Hjorth, Bakhadyr Khoussainov, Antonio Montalbán, André Nies
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