

Automatic Termination Analysis of Programs Containing Arithmetic Predicates

14 years 1 months ago
Automatic Termination Analysis of Programs Containing Arithmetic Predicates
For logic programs with arithmetic predicates, showing termination is not easy, since the usual order for the integers is not well-founded. A new method, easily incorporated in the TermiLog system for automatic termination analysis, is presented for showing termination in this case. od consists of the following steps: First, a nite abstract domain for representing the range of integers is deduced automatically. Based on this abn, abstract interpretation is applied to the program. The result is a nite number of atoms abstracting answers to queries which are used to extend the technique of query-mapping pairs. For each query-mapping pair that is potentially non-terminating, a bounded integer-valued termination function is guessed. If traversing the pair decreases the value of the termination function, then termination is established. Simple functions often su ce for each query-mapping pair, and that gives our approach an edge over the classical approach of using a single termination fun...
Nachum Dershowitz, Naomi Lindenstrauss, Yehoshua S
Added 17 Dec 2010
Updated 17 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2000
Where CORR
Authors Nachum Dershowitz, Naomi Lindenstrauss, Yehoshua Sagiv, Alexander Serebrenik
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