

Automatically Analyzing Software Processes: Experience Report

14 years 5 months ago
Automatically Analyzing Software Processes: Experience Report
Sound methods of analysis and comparison of software processes are crucial for such tasks as process understanding, process correctness verification, evolution management, process classification, process improvement, and choosing the appropriate process for a certain project. The purpose of our research is to lay the foundations for a systematic and rigorous comparison of processes by establishing fixed methods and conceptual frameworks that are able to assure that comparison efforts will yield predictable, reproducible results. The analysis framework presented here assumes that the comparison will be done relative to a fixed standard feature classification schema for the processes used, and with the use of a fixed formalism for modeling the processes. The aspect of the system described in this paper is focused on functional analysis of processes according to the predefined comparison topics, well formedness constraints, and instrumented agents. The paper describes our experien...
Rodion M. Podorozhny, Dewayne E. Perry, Leon J. Os
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ISPW
Authors Rodion M. Podorozhny, Dewayne E. Perry, Leon J. Osterweil
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