

Automatically generating stories from sensor data

13 years 6 months ago
Automatically generating stories from sensor data
Recent research in Augmented and Alternative Communication (AAC) has begun to make use of Natural Language Generation (NLG) techniques. This creates an opportunity for constructing stories from sensor data, akin to existing work in life-logging. This paper examines the potential of using NLG to merge the AAC and life-logging domains. It proposes a four stage hierarchy that categorises levels of complexity of output text. It formulates a key subproblem of clustering sensor data into narrative events and describes three potential approaches for resolving this subproblem. Author Keywords NLG, AAC, event generation, narrative, story, sensors, lifelogging ACM Classification Keywords H.5.2 Information Interfaces and Presentation: User-centered Design,Natural Language,Input Devices and Strategies General Terms Experimentation, Design, Human Factors
Joseph Reddington, Nava Tintarev
Added 15 Sep 2011
Updated 15 Sep 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where IUI
Authors Joseph Reddington, Nava Tintarev
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