

Automating information flow control in component-based distributed systems

13 years 2 months ago
Automating information flow control in component-based distributed systems
Automating the construction of secure distributed systems becomes necessary. Indeed, developing security code requires a deep expertise and verifying that the developed code respects the specified policy is a tedious task. In this paper, we define a toolkit called CIF (Component Information Flow) that automates the development of secure distributed systems. The developer defines the security properties through a policy configuration file. When this configuration is validated, that is no security leak is detected, the system security code is generated. A performance evaluation of an implemented use case shows the effectiveness of the approach. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.2.4 [Computer-communication networks]: Distributed Systems; D.4.6 [Operating Systems]: Security and Protection General Terms Security Keywords Component-based distributed system, information flow control, secure system configuration and deployment
Takoua Abdellatif, Lilia Sfaxi, Riadh Robbana, Yas
Added 13 Dec 2011
Updated 13 Dec 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where CBSE
Authors Takoua Abdellatif, Lilia Sfaxi, Riadh Robbana, Yassine Lakhnech
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