This short paper questions the focus on automation of egovernment processes, and efficiency in e-government, which is prevalent in both research and in practice in Swedish governments. We argue that this focus on automation and efficiency might cause unhealthy work for civil servants, and services that do not meet the demands or needs of the citizens. Hence, the role of the civil servant must be reconsidered, from a mere “overseer” of an automated process, to a highly skilled worker that provides complex services and works efficiently with information. Moreover, research on egovernment should elaborate more on the changes that needs to be done in the services provided, as well as which services that are suitable for the Internet and other media. Author Keywords E-government, user involvement, healthy work. ACM Classification Keywords H.5.2. User Interfaces---User-centered design. General Terms: UCSD, Management, Design, Human Factors. Additional Key Words: Participatory Design, St...