

Automation of Human Decision Processes for Route Completion for Airspace Design Analysis

14 years 1 months ago
Automation of Human Decision Processes for Route Completion for Airspace Design Analysis
This paper describes an algorithm for approximating missing data in air traffic routes thereby allowing the lengths of different routes to be compared for our simulation analyses. We were given air traffic routes that had origin, destination, and complete route information inside of the problem design area. Analyst judgment was necessary for completing the routes outside of the design area. We automated the analyst decision processes so that comparisons could be made across scenarios. This process was required for thousands of routes. We analyze design performance measures and show that the resulting distances among the redesigned routes differ from baseline route lengths. 1 BACKGROUND Airspace design has become more prevalent over the past several years (FAA 2003). After airline deregulation, airlines developed hub-and-spoke systems and reduced fares, which resulted in many more flights than ever before. Since then congestion has increased; therefore, airspace needs to be designed wi...
Lisa A. Schaefer
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where WSC
Authors Lisa A. Schaefer
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