Distributedsoftwareenvironmentsareincreasinglycomplex anddiculttomanage,astheyintegratevariouslegacysoftware with specic management interfaces. Moreover, the factthatmanagementtasksareperformedbyhumansleads to many conguration errors and low reactivity. This is particularly true in medium or large-scale distributed infrastructures. To address this issue, we explore the design and implementation of an autonomic management system. The main principle is to wrap legacy software pieces in components in order to administrate a software infrastructure as a component architecture. However, we observed that the interfaces of a component model are too low-level and dicult touse. Therefore, weintroducedhigher-levelformalismsfor the specication of deployment and management policies. This paper overviews these specication facilities that are provided in the Tune autonomic management system. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.2.11[Software Engineering]: SoftwareArchitectures component-based auton...