

Autonomous Physical Secret Functions and Clone-Resistant Identification

14 years 3 months ago
Autonomous Physical Secret Functions and Clone-Resistant Identification
Self configuring VLSI technology architectures offer a new environment for creating novel security functions. Two such functions for physical security architectures are proposed to be generated autonomously as unknown/secret internal functions. A cell-based FPGA technology architecture is deployed for generating two classes of self-constructed one-way physical secret functions, one representing a hash function and the other a ciphering function. The Hash function is a non-invertible mapping, where the cipher function should be invertible. The two sample architectures of the functions are inspired from the programmable cell structure of the selected FPGA technology. As the functions are internally created, their mapping structures can be kept completely secret and even unknown to anybody. Such units could be efficiently deployed for a novel physical security even when nothing is known about their exact architecture and mapping functions. Several new attractive application scenarios are...
Wael Adi
Added 08 Nov 2010
Updated 08 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Wael Adi
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