

Availability Constraints for Avionic Data Buses

14 years 6 months ago
Availability Constraints for Avionic Data Buses
— The three traditional objectives of computer security are confidentiality, integrity and availability [8]. Availability can be defined as the prevention of denial of service. Confidentiality and integrity have been addressed in several theoretical works whereas the concept of availability has not been much investigated by the scientific community. This paper is an attempt to define through a case study the concept of availability. We first define a set of availability constraints that avionic data bus protocols should enforce. Then, we consider the ARINC 629 Basic Protocol (BP) and the ARINC Combined Protocol (CP) [2] which were implemented on the Boeing 777. We check whether these protocols respect our availability constraints or not.
Alban Gabillon, Laurent Gallon
Added 11 Jun 2010
Updated 11 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Alban Gabillon, Laurent Gallon
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