

Average-Case Computations - Comparing AvgP, HP, and Nearly-P

14 years 8 months ago
Average-Case Computations - Comparing AvgP, HP, and Nearly-P
We examine classes of distributional problems defined in terms of polynomial-time decision algorithms with bounded error probability. The class AvgP [5] has been characterized in [4] using polynomial-time algorithm schemes with benign faults. The class HP [4] extends AvgP by allowing malign faults instead of benign faults. The class AvgHP in turn extends HP by allowing running times to be polynomial on average instead of bounded by a polynomial. Polynomial-time algorithms that decide membership for words of length n with an error probability less than F(n) for some function F lead to the classes F(n)-ErrP [9]. The class Dist-Nearly-P = k 1(1/nk )-ErrP is an instance of the ‘Nearly’-classes as introduced in [11]. We call a distribution µ fair if µ(n) 1/p(n) for some polynomial p(n). We prove:
Arfst Nickelsen, Birgit Schelm
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where COCO
Authors Arfst Nickelsen, Birgit Schelm
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