

Average Stopping Set Weight Distributions of Redundant Random Ensembles

14 years 2 months ago
Average Stopping Set Weight Distributions of Redundant Random Ensembles
In this paper, redundant random ensembles are defined and their average stopping set (SS) weight distributions are analyzed. A redundant random ensemble consists of a set of binary matrices with linearly dependent rows. These linearly dependent rows significantly reduce the number of stopping sets of small size. Upper and lower bounds on the average SS weight distribution of the redundant random ensembles are proved based on a combinatorial argument. Asymptotic forms of these bounds reveal asymptotic behavior of the average SS weight distributions. From these bounds, a trade-off between the number of redundant rows (corresponding to decoding complexity of belief propagation on binary erasure channel) and the average SS weight distribution (corresponding to decoding performance) can be derived. Keywords LDPC codes, Stopping set, Weight distribution, Ensemble, Asymptotic growth rate
Tadashi Wadayama
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TIT
Authors Tadashi Wadayama
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